June is Garage Door Safety Month

It’s one of your home’s hardest working doors, and at 100-600 pounds, it’s also the heaviest door in your home by far. We’re talking, of course, about your garage door. Considering its weight, not to mention all its hardware required to make it operate correctly – like pulleys and springs that perform under extreme tension – it’s important to understand and practice garage door safety.

Garage doors are not a toy

Many children find garage doors to be pretty impressive, and while we tend to agree, it’s imperative to teach your kids that garage doors are not toys. Keep a close eye on your little ones anytime you open and close the garage door.

Make sure children keep their hands away from the door, garage door  track and other type of hardware.

The same goes for the garage door opener. It can be fun to open and close the garage door from a smartphone or another type of remote, but it should never be done for amusement.

Leave the repairs to professionals

While regular, simple garage door maintenance like cleaning, lubricating, and painting your garage door is fine to do on your own, you’ll want to leave garage door repairs to us. Attempting to fix garage door springs and pulleys is especially dangerous if you have not been trained on safe and proper procedures.

Never race the garage door

While the garage door is in motion, you should always steer clear and avoid being directly under it.  Never push the wall button to close the garage door then race to get out before it closes. You could be seriously injured if the door strikes you.

Keep up on regular inspections

Whenever you hear creaking, crunching, rattling, or any other unusual noise coming from your garage door, you’ll want to call a professional to pinpoint the source of the sound and make the necessary repairs. Additionally, you should have your garage door inspected by a technician once every year to make sure the hardware and the garage door itself are safe to operate.

Understand your garage door system

Know where the emergency release feature is located on your garage door. To ensure your safety, read the door’s manual as well as those for your garage door opener system.  Make sure you have a clear understanding of how your garage door system operates, so you can better gauge when there’s a potential problem or safety hazard.

Have a garage door safety concern? If you do, don’t wait. Contact the team at Martin Door and schedule an appointment. We’ll check the garage door thoroughly to make sure it’s safe for you and your family.