Do you have a broken garage door spring?

Here’s a fantastic article by Clopay about how to determine if you have a broken garage door spring


You’re pulling up to the house after a long day and hit the garage door opener. Nothing happens. You try it again. Nothing. Batteries must be dead, right? So, you try the fancy app on your phone and/or punch in the code on your keyless entry pad. Still nothing.

Odds are your garage door has a broken spring.

Person opening a garage door from inside their car
Surprise (!) garage doors don’t operate seamlessly forever. The spring literally does the heavy lifting and lowering of the garage door, and it only lasts so long.

Clopay Garage Door InteriorStandard garage door torsion springs are centered above the garage door opening.

Garage door springs tend to break most often during cold weather (which makes the metal more brittle) and while the door is in the down position because that’s when it’s under the most tension.

If you happen to be home when a spring breaks, it will probably scare you to death because it makes a very loud and unexpected, POP-bang-gunfire sound. And when we say loud, we mean LOUD. Unless someone is setting off fireworks in your garage, more than likely the spring just snapped.

You can tell if your spring is broken by just looking at it. If you have a standard torsion spring, it’s centrally located over the garage door opening. Look up and see if the coil is physically separated into two pieces.

Garage Door Torsion SpringNormal torsion spring above the garage door opening.

Broken Torsion SpringA broken torsion spring splits into two separate pieces. Look for a distinct gap in the coil.

Extension springs are attached on the side of the door along the top of the track. They will be stretched when the door is closed or have uneven spacing.

Garage Door Extension SpringAn extension spring over the garage door track.

If your door has two springs, it’s possible that only one of them is broken. Both should be replaced at the same time for smooth operation and door longevity since they are “wear and tear” parts.

A Torsion Spring being installedThis 16′ x 7′ garage door has two standard torsion springs.

Most garage door springs are designed to last 10,000 cycles (One cycle = up and down).

If you use your garage door an average of twice a day, that’s about a seven-year life expectancy. It costs around $200 to replace a 10K-cycle spring, but that can vary depending on the door size, weight and track configuration.

There are garage door springs that last an average of 20,000 cycles, which might be necessary and worth an extra $150 if you use your door a lot.

Man winding a torsion springStandard torsion spring repair is not a DIY project. A pro can do it in about an hour.

Replacing a broken spring doesn’t take too long—a professional can have the job done in an hour. But do NOT attempt this on your own. Garage doors are heavy, springs are under great tension and this is a task best left to those with the proper equipment and expertise!

Coachman Design 11 REC13 Windows in White FinishSave time and money by replacing the springs on your second garage door at the same time since they likely get the same daily use.

Have a two-car garage or more than one garage door that gets a lot of use? You should consider replacing the other spring(s) at the same time, especially if the doors are the same age. It could save you another repair call in the near future. 


Choose the perfect style garage door for your home

Martin Door is proud to carry a full line of beautiful residential garage doors by Clopay and we can help you choose the perfect one to elevate the look of your home. From contemporary, modern garage doors to classic and carriage house doors, you’ll find every style in the Clopay collection.

Below are some of Clopay’s most popular residential garage doors, broken down by style. Take a look and see which would be ideal for your home.


The Avante Collection 

Modernize your home with Clopay’s popular line-up of aluminum and glass garage doors. The durable aluminum frame is available in a number of colors, including clear, black and bronze anodized, to complement your home style. Multiple glass options allow you to bring as much or as little natural light in as well as control the level of privacy.

The Modern Steel Collection 

Modern Steel™ Collection garage doors perfectly complement contemporary and mid-century modern home styles. Doors are available with or without grooves in multiple paint and Ultra-Grain® finishes to create the perfect look for your home.


The Classic Collection 

Available in a wide range of looks and colors, Clopay’s Classic™ Collection steel doors complement every home so there’s no sacrificing style for strength, durability and comfort.

The Canyon Ridge Collection 

Beautiful and unique, Canyon Ridge® Limited Edition Series carriage house & louver style doors are constructed with an energy-efficient, Intellicore® insulated steel base and finished with faux wood composite cladding and overlays. The appearance is that of authentic swing-out doors but with the convenience of modern, upward operation.


The Coachman Collection 

The perfect blend of beauty and practicality, these carriage house doors look like wood, but they are actually crafted of multiple layers of durable, low-maintenance steel and insulation topped with a woodgrain textured composite overlay.

The Grand Harbor Collection 

When budget is the deciding factor, this low-maintenance, insulation-optional steel frame carriage house style garage door combines clean lines and classic charm to provide a popular style at a great value.


The Reserve Wood Custom Series 

Working from a professional drawing or just a sketch on a notepad, Clopay can create the doors you’ve only imagined, with windows or without, in wood like Knotty Alder, Spanish Cedar, White Oak, Ironwood and African Mahogany. Each door is handcrafted from the material of your choice using your precise specifications.

No matter what style of home you have, Clopay is sure to have the perfect garage door and we can help when you’re ready to take the next step and add one to your home.

How safe are smart garage door openers?

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Selling your home? How to get your garage ready

If you’re getting ready to sell your home, don’t forget about your garage. Investing just a little time, elbow grease and money can increase the value of your home and help it sell faster. In fact, it’s been proven that a replacement garage door is one of the best — and easiest — ways to increase your ROI.

Before you jump into this seller’s market and put your house up for sale, take a look at our tips below on how to get your garage door ready.

Replace the garage door. If your garage door is older, or if doesn’t elevate the look of your home, consider buying a new one. Clopay has a myriad of different collections designed to complement a variety of homes. If yours is contemporary, take a look at their Avante and Modern Steel collections.

On a budget? Many of Clopay’s styles are very affordable. We especially love the Grand Harbor collection that features carriage house doors that you can customize.

Paint the walls and floor. If the walls and floor of your garage are dirty and stained, spend a day painting them. Read our article with tips on how to do this properly. Or, just remember to use the proper paint type on your walls and floors. And remember: painting the walls a light color will make the garage seem larger!

Remove the clutter. In fact, go ahead and remove anything in the garage you aren’t using. Either move the items to storage or resell them on a place like Facebook Marketplace or take to a thrift store. Buyers want to be able to envision their belongings in the space they’re considering buying. Help them by removing yours from the garage.

Clean. clean, clean. Consider renting a power washer or hiring someone to power wash your garage’s floors and exterior. And don’t forget about the driveway. Thoroughly wash it with soap and water and for stubborn stains, apply a baking soda paste.

Make it multipurpose. To attract potential buyers, consider making a section of the garage extra living space. From a home gym to a study, your garage just may be able to be used for something more than storing your car. Take a look at our ideas!

Your garage is an important part of your home. Don’t forget about it when you’re ready to sell it! Get it ready with a new garage door or garage door maintenance from Martin Door.

5 Great Ideas for Remodeling Your Garage

Ready to remodel your home and get it ready for the warmer months ahead? Look no further than your garage, where even small updates can make a big difference.

Some garage remodeling projects – like painting your garage or adding new flooring – can be completed in a weekend. Others require a little more elbow grease but are more than worth the effort.

Below is our list of five remodeling projects that can transform your garage into something special.

Paint. One of the quickest and easiest ways to breathe new life into your garage is with a coat (or two) of paint. First, you’ll need to repair any areas of the walls where there are cracks and prime them.

Once you’re ready, choose a paint that’s mildew resistant or an interior latex paint. While oil-based paint can also be used, it will take longer to dry and has a strong odor and fumes, so you’ll need to wear a protective mask.

Install new flooring. There’s nothing wrong with the standard concrete garage floor, but over time, these floors can get stained from years and years of leaking car oil and antifreeze. That’s why painting the floor is a great idea.

First, clean the floor thoroughly to remove all the grit and grime. Then, prep the floor with a primer before applying epoxy. We recommend epoxy because it is stain resistant and makes cleaning the floors a breeze.

You could also cover your garage floor with interlocking foam tiles. This flooring can be found at your local hardware store and comes in a variety of styles and colors.

Add storage. It’s easy to de-clutter and transform your garage into a well-organized space that does as good of a job storing your tools and sports equipment as it does your car.

First, declutter the garage by getting rid of anything in it that you no longer need. Then, add pegboard, install a fold-up table to use for projects, and invest in storage solutions.

Check out IKEA for inexpensive yet durable cabinets designed for bedrooms, living rooms, and kitchens and use them in the garage instead. Shoe and closet organizers work great in the garage as well.

Lighten it up. Why not add a window or two to your garage to elevate it’s look, or invest in a replacement garage with windows? Most garage styles allow you to pick just where you want your garage’s windows to go – and offer you plenty of ways to customize them, so suit your garage and home perfectly.

You could also install a skylight or even an overhead pendant light to really take your garage’s style to the next level.

Add living space. Your garage can do so much more than simply keep your cars safe. It can also double as a workout room, a study, or even an artist’s studio. The sky is really the limit.

Depending on how often you’ll use the extra room, you may want to take advantage of some of the above ideas, like adding new flooring or painting the walls. You could also replace the garage door with one that works great for living spaces, like Clopay’s Avante garage doors, for example.

Ready to get started? Martin Door carries great looking, high performing garage doors and other products that can take your garage space to the next level. Give us a call today.

New Year, New Garage: Five simple garage improvement ideas for 2021

Happy New Year! We hope it’s filled with time with friends and family, new adventures and lots of home improvement projects. If last year taught us anything, its that home is where the heart is. And if you’re going to be sprucing up your home this year, don’t forget about your garage.

Below are five very easy (yet important) new year’s resolutions for your garage. In honor of 2020, we decided to keep the list short, simple and stress-free.

Here’s our list of five simple things you can do in 2021 for your garage.

Replace your garage door. Installing new garage doors is one of the quickest and easiest ways to boost curb appeal and add value to your home. And it can even save you a little money down the road, as you won’t have to worry about garage door repairs.

We carry the full line of Clopay garage doors, and we’re confident we have the perfect one for your budget and your aesthetic.

Take a look at our residential garage doors. Then, when you’ve got a couple of garage door styles in mind, use the Design Your Door tool to “try it on.”

Schedule routine maintenance. This is one the most important things you can do for your garage door. Once a year garage door (and garage door opener) maintenance is a critical component to making your garage door last for years and years.

Our technicians have extensive experience and can thoroughly inspect and address any issues quickly, so your garage door continues to operate safely and properly. If it’s in need of a repair or replacement part, we’ll give you a thorough, accurate estimate and do the work promptly.

Organize your garage. There’s nothing wrong with storing items every which way in the garage. But  with a little organizing, especially with the addition of extra storage, you may find you have even more room available.

Clean it out. Set a date (when the weather warms up, of course), take a cue from Nike and “just do it.”

We suggest having a plan in place for what you’ll do with everything you don’t want before you clean, so make sure you have bags and boxes for the items you want to take to the thrift store and online accounts set up if you’re selling the items on sites like Facebook Marketplace or eBay.

Make it multipurpose. The coronavirus pandemic really changed the way we work. If you’re working from home now on a regular basis, consider adding an office area to the garage, or a workout or playroom. It’s easier than you may think – and can be done on a budget.

From all of us at Martin Door – Happy 2021! And remember: we’re here to help you with all your garage door needs.

Support local businesses this season

From the team at Martin Door:

This holiday season, we are incredibly grateful to be a part of a community that supports each other through and through. And in spirit of the holiday, we thought we’d update the article we shared in March, as local businesses still need our support.  

Here are five ways to support St. Charles businesses during the holidays:

Shop local. Make a list of all of your favorite local shops, then grab a cup of cocoa, sit down at the computer and start shopping! Not only can you do all your shopping in your PJs but might be able to get it all done in one day. Here is a fantastic article about shopping local while sheltering in place.

Order carry out or delivery from your favorite restaurants. The pandemic has hit St. Charles restaurants hard. Let’s show them support by ordering carry out and delivery as much as we can. This is also a great time to try out new restaurants you’ve been planning to visit and those that don’t normally deliver.

Hosting a small gathering this holiday season? Why not have it catered by a local restaurant?

Buy gift certificates. One day, in the very near future, we’re going to get back to a new normal. When that happens, we’ll be more than ready to visit our favorite businesses in person again. Purchasing gift cards is an investment in their future. It’s also cash for them now that you can redeem later, so it puts money in their pockets at a time when they need it the most.

Pay it forward. Have you heard about the massive pay it forward at the Dairy Queen drive-thru that made 900 people smile? Let’s keep it going! The next time you’re at a drive-thru or coffeeshop, make someone’s day and pay it forward. They’ll feel good — and you will, too.

Give to local charities. The coronavirus is still putting local nonprofits and charities to the task. This year, consider making a donation in someone’s honor for the holidays.  Or, make a homeless pet’s day by fostering during the holidays.

From all of us at Martin Door, we wish you a safe and wonderful holiday and new year!

Winter Maintenance for Your Garage Door & Opener

The last thing you want to deal with come wintertime is a garage door that won’t open and close. That’s why it’s important to make sure that your garage door & opener Is up to the challenge before the colder temps arrive.

From depleted batteries to a garage door that won’t open due to ice and snow, winter in St. Charles can be a challenging season for your garage door and opener. Before they start working overtime during winter, use our checklist below to make sure your garage door opener is up to the test.

Lubricate. One of the most important steps to making sure your garage door opener is ready for winter involves lubricating the garage door’s hinges, and rollers, and springs. This is critical so that the garage door & opener will operate smoothly. You can pick up a low temp spray lube at your neighborhood home improvement store.

Check the backup system. In the event of a winter storm, you’ll want to make sure your garage door opener back-up system is working properly. If it is, you’ll be able to open and close your garage door via the remote or touch pad even if the power goes out.

You’ll find details on how to test the back-up system in your garage door opener’s manual. For most, you can unplug the garage door opener from the outlet and test it to see if it still works with the remote.

Replace light bulbs. Not only should you replace the light bulbs in the garage before the cold weather sets in, you should go ahead and replace the garage door opener bulbs as well. Although most bulbs last about 10,000 hours, we recommend erring on the side of caution even if you think you’ve got a little ways to go before the bulbs stop working. You don’t want to be left in the dark in the garage on a cold winter night.

Replace the remote batteries. One of the quickest and easiest ways to get your garage door opener ready for winter is by replacing the batteries in the remote. Ideally, these should be replaced every two years or so, but bear in mind that cold weather will drain all batteries quicker.

A couple ways to tell if the batteries in the opener’s remote need to be replaced is by looking to see if a low battery light is on (if your model includes this feature) and by observing how quick the remote is to work. If it takes a few presses on the button to open the garage door, you probably need to replace the batteries.

Check the garage door. You’re going to want to make sure the garage door fits well in the frame and that there aren’t any gaps on the ground where snow and freezing water can get in. Should ice and snow get into the garage, particularly where it opens, it can cause the garage door to freeze shut and your garage door opener won’t work.

Be prepared. In the event that your garage door opener won’t work in the winter, be prepared. Have a broom and a shovel within easy access so you can clear snow and ice from the garage door. And for car safety during winter, have a pair of jumper cables or a power jump starter in your car, as well as a heavy blanket.

Still not sure if your garage door opener is ready for winter? Give the team at Martin Door a call. We can do a complete check so that it’s up to the test and ready for the colder months ahead.

How to create a garage fit for a car lover   

Do you see your car as a way to get from one part of town to another, or as a source of fun and escape? If you enjoy zipping around country roads, or if your idea of the perfect weekend is getting to spend time tinkering under the hood of a vintage automobile, you’re going to want a garage that’s perfect for a car enthusiast.

Below, we show you how to create a garage fit for a car lover.

Choose a great looking garage door. First, let’s talk aesthetics. A car enthusiast’s garage should look inviting and inspiring, and that starts with the garage door. Of course, the right garage door can add functionality, too. If it’s insulated, for example, you’ll be able to save energy (and money), and you’ll be able to work comfortably in it all year round.

avante modern glass garage doorWe like Clopay’s Avante collection for car lovers (pictured). These garage doors are made from glass and aluminum and are extremely durable and are sleek and modern in design – just like a great car.

And because you can choose how much light to let in, they’re an ideal option if you want to display your cars while keeping them safe.

Add a lounge area. If you enjoy spending all day in your garage, consider adding an area where you can take a load off and relax. Your lounge area could include a comfortable sofa and chairs, a mini-fridge or kitchenette, a sound system and even a wall-mounted television to watch races.

With a lounge area, you can have friends over to shoot the breeze with while you work under the hood, or you could simply use it to gather and watch races or drink a cold one. Trust us: those you live with who don’t know the difference between a gear box and a glove box will thank you.

A word about flooring. The typical cement garage floor is usually full of oil spots, dirt and grime – not to mention antifreeze and residue from the road. To create a great looking garage, you’re going to want to choose a flooring solution that’s easy to clean.

We suggest flooring made with an epoxy/polyaspartic coating. These floors are stain resistant and they come in a variety of colors. This flooring will also serve to protect your garage floor, so it will stay in great shape for years to come.

Garage storage. All garages need great storage, and it’s especially important if you love working on cars. We recommend investing in custom storage that’s durable, attractive and designed specifically for your garage. You could also find storage solutions at your local home improvement store and even at IKEA.     

Add a washing station. If you wash your cars at home on a regular basis, you can easily set up a washing station in your garage. This will allow you to wash your cars all year round. You’ll need a water source as well as proper drainage.

And a lift. Now we’re talking! Whether you’re doing a full restoration on a vintage automobile or prefer doing break jobs and oil changes on your cars yourself, consider investing in a professionally installed hydraulic lift.     

Make it secure. Everyone needs a safe and secure garage door, and especially those who have vintage or luxury cars. Make sure your garage door is secure by checking to see if it properly fits in the garage door frame and secures to the ground. If it doesn’t, contact a garage door professional who can either repair the garage door or replace it with one that fits.

You’ll also want to make sure your garage door locks properly and that your garage door opener is working optimally. In fact, LiftMaster garage door openers with myQ connectivity are a great addition to your home, because they let you control your garage door from anywhere.

Ready for a garage fit for a car lover? Give the team at Martin Door a call. We can help make it happen!